Studies mixed on Roundup’s cancer-causing properties

Roundup herbicide is the most widely used herbicide in the world, but it is not without controversy as the maker, Monsanto, faces thousands of lawsuits.Roundup class action lawsuit is also becoming common, and more are expected. The chemical has been used by millions of people, from big farming operations to the casual weekend gardener.

A key issue is whether Glyphosate, the key ingredient, causes cancer. So far studies are offering mixed results, and there are claims with counter-claims. A secondary issue is whether Monsanto hid this information from the public. For its part, Monsanto calls the cancer-causing claims “junk-science,” and maintains its product is safe.

 So far the International Agency for Research on Cancer is the only organization to say the chemical is a “probable” cancer-causing product.  Monsanto maintains it does not cause cancer. There are more European researchers making the link than there are American.

In March of 2015, the IARC classified Roundup as a possible carcinogenic.  It cited evidence that the chemical could cause damage to human genes, which could then cause cancer.  In May of 2016, a study by the World Health Organization said glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in humans through their diet. It left open whether exposure to the chemical could cause cancer. The World Health Organization clarified this apparent contradiction by saying the 2016 report was more specific in saying exposure to certain levels could cause cancer.

In the United States, the EPA declared it safe, but a new lawsuit accuses the EPA of altering research to support the company. The EPA said glyphosate does not cause cancer but then took the notice down. In 2013 the EPA doubled the maximum levels of the chemical that could be in things like soybeans. Since then the EPA said Roundup is below those levels and therefore safe. There have been some emails released that suggest the EPA research was tampered with, or perhaps altered.

In Europe, The Netherlands has banned Roundup completely,  and France banned sales to the general public. The EU gave the chemical an 18-month extension but did not renew a license that was requested.

There have been several ROundup class action lawsuit filed. People from several states filed one in June of 2017, charging false advertising. The suit alleges there is a needed enzyme in the human and animal body that glyphosate targets and kills. Monsanto flatly denies this accusation.

There are also about 8,000 individual lawsuits seeking personal damages. There was one large settlement last year that could become a landmark case. The Roundup class action lawsuit is not seeking personal damages.  The Roundup class action lawsuit is seeking only a refund of money spent on the product; they would not have spent if there had been a warning on the label.